IMPROVE LIFE ON EARTH FROM SPACE® Astra empowers its customers to Improve Life on Earth from Space® by providing dedicated small launches and mission-critical on-orbit mobility to smallsat builders and operators around the world. BUILD WITH US LAUNCH SERVICES Dedicated, low-cost, orbital launch services for small satellites 600 KG TO LEO* WEEKLY LAUNCHES** Learn More *TARGET PAYLOAD CAPACITY TO MID-INCLINATION LOW EARTH ORBIT OVER THE COURSE OF THE PRODUCT LIFECYCLE **TARGET LAUNCH CADENCE IS SUBJECT TO SPACEPORT AVAILABILITY & PRODUCTION CAPACITY ASTRA SPACECRAFT ENGINE™ Space qualified, Hall-effect electric propulsion systems currently on orbit 278+ COMMITTED ORDERS 800+ ON-ORBIT BURNS Learn More OUR CUSTOMERS Our customers are building some of the world’s most advanced constellations – partnering with Astra to Improve Life on Earth from Space®. NEWS OUR TEAM Our world-class team brings a wide range of technical and business expertise from the new space, aerospace, and technology sectors. MEET THE TEAM JOIN US Astra continues to grow and build the teams developing Launch System 2 and delivering Astra Spacecraft Engines. OPEN ROLES